
Elena de la Palma explores all things Spanish clothing, 1480 – 1600

Category: Accessories

  • Finished! – Cofia y Tranzado – Part 3 of 3

    And we’re done with the cofia y tranzado! See part 1, part 2, and my class for prior steps and background. I’m thrilled with how this turned out. It sits beautifully on my head, wears comfortably all day, and attains the look of period images. The insertion of the gold trim worked nicely. It is…

  • WIP – Cofia y Tranzado – Part 1

    What: A cofia y tranzado, the very distinctive cap and braid case common in Spain from the 1400s on. Check out my class Cofia Y Tranzado The Omnipresent Spanish Headwear for more info Why: Because I’m tragically short on headwear. Turns out, a whole lot of my cofia y tranzado went on walkabout over the…